The version 5.5 of Scale Tool has just been released.
This release has aimed to provide new options: two new scaling options and a new code spectrum.
See the demonstration video for more details.
Updated version can be downloaded from the "Files" section of the user profile.
v5.5 features & enhancements:
- New Scaling options: Scale to Peak Values (PGA & PGV) / Single Period Scale
- New built-in code spectrum: Eurocode 8 elastic spectrum.
- Direct Scale method revision: Now it includes PGA variations. The single Scale Factor has been removed.
- Improving the GUI's functionality: Adding right-click menu.
- New Display Data option (available in the right-click menu) can be used to quickly extract and copy plot data.
- Name of earthquakes are included in the legend of the copied figure (Select: All -> right-click -> copy figure).
- Bug fixes: zero period in target spectrum is now allowed.